Local Voices Local Choices

Lewes District
LSP Members
LSP priorities & Community Strategy
Meetings and Minutes
Have your say
Useful links
Contact us
Under 18 website coming soon

Introduction to Lewes District LSP

The Lewes District Local Strategic Partnership brings together organisations from the public, private, voluntary & community sectors to produce and deliver the Community Strategy. The Community Strategy is aimed at improving the quality of life of local people, especially those who are most in need. It sets out the needs and priorities that local people have established through consultation.

The Community Strategy is currently being revised and should be completed by December 2005. The current priority themes are:

  • Transport & Traffic
  • Children & Young People
  • Community Safety
  • Education, Learning & Skills
  • Healthy Living
  • Housing & Planning
  • Environment
  • Local Economy

Within the District, there are four town based partnerships and one rural one called Rural Voices Rural Choices. These partnerships provide a mechanism for local people to have their opinions represented when deciding strategic priorities and therefore to influence the delivery of local services.

forthcoming events

The date, time and details of future events will be shown here nearer the time.