Lewes District Association of Local
& Parish Councils
Lewes District Association of Local & Parish
Councils performs a number of functions. The Association acts
primarily as an independent conduit for parish and town council
issues in the District whilst also providing representatives for
the Executive Committee of the East Sussex Association of Local
Councils (ESALC), Lewes DC Planning Service Users Group and the
Lewes District LSP. A joint Code of Practice was signed with Lewes
DC in the early 1990s. The Association has also been a partner
in the production and updating of the Lewes DC Planning Handbook.
Visit www.nalc.gov.uk
for more information.
East Sussex County Council
"East Sussex County Council provides many
of the local government services in the County. These include
education, social services, roads and transport, waste disposal,
economic development, trading standards, countywide planning and
the environment, protecting the public and libraries.
The Council has 49 councillors who are elected
by residents of East Sussex at elections held every four years.
Councillors are responsible for making sure that the services
that the Council provides meet the needs of residents and those
who work in the county. They do this by setting the overall policies
and strategies for the Council and by monitoring the way in which
these are implemented. Council officers work for the Council and
deliver the services agreed by councillors".
Visit www.eastsussexcc.gov.uk
for more information.
Lewes District Council
Lewes District Council is committed to providing
high quality services to those who live and work in the area.
The District covers 113 square miles, incorporating the towns
of Seaford, Newhaven, Peacehaven and Lewes and numerous surrounding
villages. Much of the district lies within an Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty, with many Conservation Areas and unspoilt villages.
The coastal strip is more urban in character, including the important
Channel port of Newhaven and its ferry service to Dieppe.
The Council has approximately 480 employees. The main offices
are in Lewes, with a departmental office, depot and swimming pool
in Newhaven, leisure centres in Seaford, Lewes and Peacehaven,
and sheltered housing schemes throughout the district.
Some of our main direct services are:
Parks and Open Spaces, Car Parks, Elections, Council Tax Collection,
Economic Development, Collection of Business Rates, Planning Control,
Environmental Health, Housing Benefit, Refuse Collection, Port
Health, Building Control, Tourist Information Centres Arts and
Sports Development, Recycling, Swimming Pools, Council Housing,
Street Cleansing, Leisure Centres, Local Plans, Housing Improvement
Grants, Local Land Charges, Homelessness, Pest Control.
We also have a range of support services, for example: accountants,
architects, administrators, builders, surveyors and computer staff.
Visit www.lewes.gov.uk
for more information.
Sussex Police
Sussex Police exists to uphold the Criminal
Law, prevent and detect Crime & Disorder, combat serious and
organised crime, provide public reassurance and promote public
safety. Our people do so with integrity, courage, compassion and
consideration of others. We aim to reduce overall crime, provide
a citizen-focused police service, to take action with partners
to increase detection rates as well as reduce people’s concerns
about crime, anti-social behaviour and disorder.
Visit www.sussex.police.uk
for more information.
Sussex Police Authority
Sussex Police Authority is an independent body
which oversees Sussex Police. The Authority consults across Sussex
to find out people's views about policing and takes these into
account when setting its budget and objectives.
Visit www.sussexpoliceauthority.gov.uk
for more information.
Sussex Downs and
Weald Primary Care Trust
Sussex Downs and Weald Primary Care Trust covers
the Lewes district area (except Seaford) and north Wealden. It
is responsible for the health of people in the area, for tackling
health inequalities and for bringing health and social care more
closely together. It holds the local NHS budget, steers the work
of GPs and practice teams, provides a range of health services
and makes sure hospital services are in place to meet local people's
needs. Eastbourne Downs PCT is
responsible for the area that includes Seaford.
Visit www.sussexdownsandwealdpct/nhs.net
for more information.
East Sussex Fire &
Rescue Service
East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service is committed
to working with Lewes LSP and the Crime Reduction Partnership
in the development of strategies and the delivery of targets that
will help to create safer and stronger communities across Lewes
We are actively engaged in a wide range of initiatives
to improve community safety, and to reduce crime and the fear
of crime. These include:
- reducing anti social behaviour and arson
- reducing incidences of accidental death, injury or damage to
caused by fire
- supporting specific safety initiatives for both young and older
- providing community education including on safety in the home
- protecting the environment
- providing intervention services and dealing with emergencies
Visit www.esfrs.org
for more information.
SEEDA (South East England
Development Agency)
SEEDA is the Government funded agency set up
in 1999 responsible for the economic and social development of
the South East of England - the driving force of the UK's economy.
The economy of the region is the 22nd largest
in the world, bigger than several countries including Denmark,
Austria, Sweden, South Africa, Singapore and Greece. As home to
over eight million people, it is the largest region in the UK
- bigger than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined, and
covers the counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire,
the Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and East and West
SEEDA's aim is to create a prosperous, dynamic
and inspirational region by helping businesses compete more effectively,
training a highly skilled workforce, supporting and enabling our
communities, while safeguarding our natural resources and cherishing
our rich cultural heritage.
SEEDA aims to be a catalyst for change within
the South East, working with partner organisations- businesses,
education at all levels, local authorities, Government agencies,
voluntary and community organisations and many others - to produce
clearly recognisable results.
We also have funds from Government to enable us to invest directly
in a range of economic and social development programmes, and
are in a position to help secure European Union and private sector
investment for the region. Accountable to Government, SEEDA is
a business led organisation, governed by a Board whose Members
have wide-ranging experience in industry and commerce, local government,
education, trade unionism and voluntary service.
Visit www.seeda.co.uk
for more information.
Government Office for
the South East (GOSE)
The Government Office for the South East works
with organisations across the South East to deliver the Government's
policies and programmes in the region.
As the representative of central government in the South East
region our role is to promote better and more effective integration
of Government policies and programmes at a regional and local
Visit www.go-se.gov.uk
for more information.