Local Voices Local Choices

Lewes District
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LSP Members
Rural Voices Rural Choices

rural viewRural Voices Rural Choices is a partnership that seeks ways to improve the quality of life of people living in rural parishes, both large and small, within the Lewes District. Its members are from local organisations, businesses and individuals that meet in a different rural venue alternate months. Business people in rural areas are most welcome to come along to the meetings.

Meeting notes relating to the activities of RVRC.

Rural Voices Rural Choices Priorities (as at May 2005)

Transport and Traffic | Communication networks | Market Towns Initiative | Children and Young People | Promotion of Local Food in relation to tourism/hospitality | Improve footpath provision between villages | Establish Housing/Development Trust | Audit memberships of partnerships

TransportTransport and Traffic:

• Audit minibus availability
• Lewes District Transport Group needs to be revitalised with the partnerships engaged in it
• Support the reopening of Uckfield to Lewes train Line
• Influence bus services & timetables with particular regard to the needs of young people
• Collate all evidence of transport & traffic problems
• Speed Indicator Devices

Communication networks:

• Rationalise all incoming consultation (for parishes via LDALPC)
• Clarify roles of parish representatives including the mechanism for feeding issues up and down
• Improve the LSP website to ensure all links and latest meeting notes of all partnerships are included on it
• Place good news/progress articles in the local media to raise profile of partnerships
• Clarify the link to other organisations such as POLO

Market Towns Initiative:

Lewes Town Partnership

children and young peopleChildren & Young People:

• Activities, shelters, transport issues

Promotion of Local Food in relation to tourism/hospitality:

• Healthy School meals

housingImprove footpath provision between villages

Establish Housing/Development Trust

Audit membership of partnerships:

• Identify interests, non-users, potential partners

Rural Voices Rural Choices Structure

RVRC is a constituted body that makes decisions based on a consensus of opinions. Lewes District Council provides the management support for RVRC.

RVRC is supported by a project worker, Valerie Biggs who works two days a week for the partnership. Valerie can be contacted via email on comnet@southdownscvs.org.uk or by calling 01273 483832.

For further information about RVRC please contact: Councillor Shirley James at shirley.james@lewes.gov.uk 01825 722348 or Sally Harper at sally.harper@lewes.gov.uk or 01273 484396

Rural Voices Rural Choices Partnership

Action in rural Sussex www.srcc.org.uk
Sussex Police www.sussex.police.uk
Lewes District Council www.lewes.gov.uk
East Sussex County Council www.eastsussexcc.gov.uk
Parish Councils & Meetings in Lewes District www.nalc.gov.uk
Sussex Downs Primary Care Trust www.sussexdownsandwealdpct.nhs.net
Churches Together in Sussex www.churches-together.org.uk
South Downs Council for Voluntary Service www.southdownscvs.org.uk
RDH Services www.rdhservices.co.uk